It took 7 years to finally admit that...I love sex.
Its nothing to be ashamed of. I finally realize that. Granted, my beginnings were...less than humble.When I turned 16 I decided I wouldn't let what happened to me define the rest of my life. Or define what I do with my own body. A lot of people put me through hell because of it over the years and I got depressed, went into hiding. Stopped being the usual silly me I always am but then when I came back out and realized that I wasn't much of a target anymore, I was happy (okay not really happy, more like I was beginning to be okay with myself) Then when I married Fox last year it got cemented that my sex life was nothing to feel bad about. I love sex. I've also had a lot of sex and that's perfectly fine. The minute I admitted that to myself, the more relief I felt inside. I'm not ashamed of my past anymore.
And all this following some drunken confessions. Jah know? I'm not glad for the hangover but I'm glad I opened up and got to a level of comfort. I have a big appetite and only Jah he knows why I'm starving myself but I'm guessing in the long run it'll help me. I not going celibate (I don't think I can stomach that yet but we'll see) Maybe it'll even help my patience with I-Know-Who. Whatever it is....its cool with me. And I'm no longer ashamed. Yay!! Also; thanks to the person I made those confessions to. Therapeutic in a sense. Big up yuhself.
Blessed Be